(928) 581-8412


Homeless Providers

Housing Services/Assistance

Clothing Vouchers

Diaper Assistance

Utility/Rent Assistance

Food Assistance

Success Stories

Success Stories

Below are some success stories from different housing providers through the Yuma Coalition to End Homelessness. Individuals that are homeless needing housing services get assessment completed through a local Coordinated Entry assessment location to be placed on the Community Housing Prioritization list called By-Name List (BNL) for people experiencing homelessness, this list is reviewed by a committee and referrals are submitted to the appropriate agency that has funding available to assist. These are just a small snapshot of how the Yuma Coalition to End Homelessness resources are used to help people that are experiencing homelessness.

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)


Story 1

Client and his wife were living homeless on the streets under the bridge. They reached out to Achieve Human Services for a housing assessment to be placed on the Housing prioritization list for Yuma County for people experiencing homelessness. When the information was reviewed it was assessed that the individual would qualify for housing services through Achieve Human Services due to having a qualifying disability and over 12 months of homelessness living on the streets. Client was brought into the Achieve Housing department and an intake was completed once all documentation was received. Clients were issued a voucher to find a one-bedroom unit in the community. After some difficulties they were able to locate a nice one-bedroom unit with all utilities included in the rent. Clients panhandle on occasion for some income but do not have anything reliable so having utilities included was very important. Clients have been successfully housed for over a year now and are working towards getting approved for their social security disability.

Story 2

A 24-year-old single mom of a 6-month-old infant, entered into homelessness after a life spent being passed around from home to home, and ending up in the foster care system at age 15. Client recalls living in more than 20 homes and 2 group homes between the ages of 15 and 18, when she aged out of the juvenile system. She entered into the Young Adult Program administered through Arizona Department of Child Safety and was given housing, nutrition assistance, and a $750 monthly stipend that decreased every 6 months until she turned 21. It was during this period of her life that she began using illegal substances. At 21, Client had her first run-in with the law when she was arrested for shoplifting and drug paraphilia. She was placed on probation at 22. This was the beginning of a downward spiral in an already chaotic life. She lost her housing, along with all her belongings. She moved in with her drug dealer for a brief period, but that was short lived and she ended up on the streets. After a period of time living on the streets, Client was placed on the housing waitlist, and would wait 6- months entering into Achieve Housing. At 23, Client, free of drugs, and with a passion to succeed, she gained employment as a contract worker doing document shredding and computer dismantling for Achieve Enterprise Services. In May 2020, client received the news that she was pregnant. Client never missed an appointment during her pregnancy, and gave birth in 2020. In March 2020, client completed her Peer Support Specialist training and was employed as a Peer Support Specialist where she continues to grow and help others. With her new income client was now on the journey of becoming self-sufficient. In April 2020 client exited Achieves housing program and remains stable in her home with full time employment while taking care of her child.

Story 3

Client came to Housing in 2013. She was homeless with her daughter and just got out of a very abusive relationship (Stockholm Syndrome) . She was housed in an apartment. At this time she was a “functioning” meth addict which was her drug of choice. She used it on a daily basis and had a lot of drama. She became involved in another abusive relationship and things got worse with her addiction. She had her daughter to take care of and this was her priority. In 2014 she had OD and blacked out and had no clue where she was. She was found in an alley and taken to the hospital. She tried other programs and they did not seem to help her. She was very defiant. Her daughter was a teenager and started following in her footsteps and she decided to stop for good. She moved to a new home in 2016 and tried to stay clean and sober. Client started attending all housing functions, group trips etc.. Clients last use date was May 2016. She also attended recovery meetings with her Case Manager for the first 2 months  She followed the book and eventually felt comfortable going on her own. The Client’s daughter graduated from High School in 2016. Her daughter became pregnant and even more problems started however the client remained clean and sober. Client called numbers and utilized her support systems. Her daughter had the baby and suffered from severe postpartum depression. Client took care of her granddaughter and daughter. Clients daughter ended up leaving the home and Client became guardian of her grandchild. The grandchild was diagnosed with a disability and the client has successfully learned how to care for her granddaughter. Client stated she would have never done these things without the help and support of her housing and Achieve.  Client has been 7 years clean and sober. At times she has had a hard time, but her motivation is not losing her housing and taking care of her granddaughter. Client has successfully completed the program though Achieve Human Services and remains housed with no issues still to this day.

I was currently living in a homeless shelter, on Drug Court, and working as a Peer Support Specialist. I was homeless for over a year going back and forth from rehabs, homeless shelters, and my friends houses. A referral for Rapid Rehousing was submitted to CBI through Yuma Coalition to End Homelessness Case Conferencing Committee and it was able to help me with getting my very own apartment and paying off my past due balance of my electricity bill. With their help I was able to get back on my feet, continue progressing in my work, which I am now a Health Care Coordinator, and save up money to continue paying all my bills. I also successfully completed Drug Court and am now off probation, which they played a big role in because I was able to focus on my Drug Court requirements instead of worrying about my housing situation. I have now been able to complete my 1 year lease successfully with paying all my bills and rent on time, which I was never able to do in the past. They have taught me how to budget my money, maintain an apartment, and create a stable foundation so that I can continue progressing in my recovery and life.

Community Bridges

Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)


Story 1

Client grew up in a family where her mother was in addiction and she (client) started using marijuana when she was 9 years old. When she was in her teen years, she started using other drugs like methamphetamine. She went deeper and deeper in drugs. She got married with an addict, and unfortunately, he was very abusive to her. She had a child which was her motivation to stop using drugs, and She was able to stop for a little while but then she relapsed and was still being physically abused by her husband. She finally decided to get a divorce. She started hanging out with friends who were in an addiction as well. She lost her two boys to Department of child and Safety (DCS) who took them away. She continued in her addiction going in and out of jail constantly. She got pregnant again her child was a preemie and was born addicted. They only allowed her to hold the baby once then they took the baby away from her. She was very upset because they took her baby away, however she continued with her life in addiction. She got in trouble and ended up going to jail, while in jail she started thinking about her daughter and how much she loved her. Because of her daughter she decided to get help.  After jail she went to rehab treatment, then she went to Crossroads Mission to continue her recovery. She got an employment and was referred to WACOG for housing assistance. Client was helped under HTF (Housing Trust Fund) RR (Rapid Rehousing) funding in February 2023. She was helped with the move in deposit and 3 months’ rent.  Client had been literally homeless for the last 4 years. Client had no money to pay for move in cost. Client is very thankful that she now has a place to be call home Thanks to the housing referral process and WACOG. Client appreciates being help by WACOG because it gives people the opportunity to be housed; not only that but she feels secure, and motivated to continue to be sober.  Now that she’s housed, DCS allows her to bring her children to her apartment, by having a house she has the opportunity to be a mom to her kids because she cooks for them, spends quality time with them, and shows them her love thanks to Housing Referral to WACOG.

Story 2

Mother was working at Cracker Barrel when her daughter was diagnosed with schizophrenia and she started having difficulties. Daughter tried to commit suicide and was taken to Phoenix for medical treatments. Client had to miss many days of work to be with her daughter and was eventually was laid off in March 2022. She became homeless, had a little bit of money saved, and she stayed in a hotel hoping to find a job. Unfortunately, her savings quickly diminishes and she wasn’t able to find a new job quickly enough. Client ended up going to Crossroads Mission. Client was able to find a job at a Retail Outlet store; she was referred to WACOG for housing assistance. Client was very happy when she receives a call from WACOG letting her that she was going to get help with her find a home. Client was anxious to move out of the shelter because it was getting very difficult with her daughter who has disabilities. Client was able to find a nice and spacious apartment in a good neighborhood in December 2022. Client enjoys having her privacy and to be able to prepare dinner to her children; but the most important thing for this mother is that her daughter with mental illness has a home that has helped her become emotionally stable. This mother would not have been able to come up with $3000 for move in cost to rent on her own without assistance. Family is very thankful to the Housing Referral Programs for helping her become a stable family once again during this difficult time of economic and high living cost.